From the Bermuda triangle to stonehenge, our planet is filled with mysterious places that fill our minds with wonder and thrills. Stonehenge is a place filled with mystery – was it used by Druids for sacrifices or was it an ancient calendar? And what about Atlantis – the famed ancient city; where is it or did it even exist?

Untold numbers of people have tried to decipher the mysterious Voynich manuscript. As yet none have succeeded in translating a single word. Filled with crazy but beautiful images this is truly a strange document. Even computers have failed to unlock the secrets buried inside.

Who were the mysterious green children that suddenly appeared out of nowhere in England in the 12th century. They so fascinated the people who came into contact with them that they have remained in our history books ever since. And then there is Gil Perez – the soldier who appeared in a strange land only to find out two months later that he vanished from his homeland on the very same day he appeared. How could he travel from one country to another within minutes?

The most famous – and perhaps fascinating – entry on this list is Big Foot. Ever since the fake film made the rounds we all passionately fell in love with the idea that some pre-modern human creature exists and is wandering alone in the forests or mountains. While the most famous pictures are fake – not all can be proven so yet.

For me these are the most fascinating mysteries of all – objects appearing in archeological digs which appear to be from the far future. Some of these artifacts are batteries from ancient times, electric lights in Egyptian times, and a spark plug that is between 100 and 500 thousand years old. You can’t help but wonder whether this could be evidence of time travel.

The Loch Ness Monster. Everyone knows him but there are many other mysterious creatures from the deep that have charmed (mermaids) or horrified (the kraken) us for centuries. It seems that almost every huge body of water – be it an ocean, sea or lake, has one or more of these monsters in them.

These may be mysteries from folklore but in every case there are some examples of potential real-life versions. I am talking about werewolves, vampires, and zombies. The zombie apocalypse is not far away so this is definitely a deserved entry on the list.

Humans, animals and inanimate objects: they have all been attributed as the vessel of God in working miracles. The most fascinating to me are stigmata (a human who spontaneously bears the wounds of Christ), incorrupt corpses (saint’s bodies that defy nature and do not rot like St Bernadette above), and statues that weep blood or tears with no known explanation.

We all love UFOs and aliens. For what other reason would there be so many movies being made about the subject and the huge number of hoaxes being uncovered all the time. Here we see three very famous examples of these mysterious other-worldly creatures and their preferred methods of transportation.

Ghosts have been with us since the time that man first thought. Virtually every human culture has a description of the spirits of the dead returning to us after life. I have chosen three of the most famous images for this item as they are the ones that have withstood time and seem to defy debunking. Read More: Facebook Instagram Email

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