That being said, some claims of mental coercion are more outlandish than others. We will leave you to decide for yourselves which are which. Here are 10 intriguing and chilling claims of the apparent realities of mind control.

10 The ‘MuckRock’ Files

Perhaps one of the most interesting cases of mind control information is also one of the most recent. In April 2018, MuckRock, the website that concentrates on Freedom of Information issues, was sent an apparently secret document that described in detail “EM Effects On The Human Body.” Curtis Waltman, the journalist in question, was intrigued enough to open the .zip file and, upon doing so, discovered a complete breakdown of “psycho-electronic” and “psychotronic” weapons. Furthermore, the document expressed in detail how “communications vans” would act as mobile projectors of this weaponized energy from the ground, while black, unmarked helicopters would deliver it from the air. Even more concerning, if true, is that communications towers would send out constant low-level signals to achieve “mass mind control” over a targeted area of the population. The documents would further speak of the technology to induce nightmares and even suicidal thoughts and actions of citizens at will. Even more worrying was the apparent technology that could induce heart palpitations and even heart attacks as well as forced muscle cramps and tinnitus-like symptoms.[1]

9 The ‘Absurd’ Claims Of Barrie Trower

While it might be easy to dismiss the above point as perhaps some kind of hoax, the words of research scientist Barrie Trower may not be as easy to cast aside, at least if you subscribe to such theories. He is one of many researchers who suggest that the US government’s policy of “nonpublic research” allows them to keep the public in the dark about what they are working on and why. According to Trower, that is likely because members of the general public are often the unknowing victims of such frequency-based weapons. Furthermore, whenever someone does step forward to challenge these dark agencies, they are often shut down under the guise of not being able to offer “conclusive proof” of their claims.[2] Trower also talks regularly about what he perceives to be “microwave mind control warfare” being used against US citizens. Needless to say, many find Trower’s claims to be absurd. Beyond conspiracy circles, most of his assertions fall on deaf ears.

8 John St. Clair Akwei’s Lawsuit Against The NSA

When John St. Clair Akwei filed a lawsuit against the NSA in 1992, he made the claim that the intelligence agency “had the ability to covertly murder US citizens and conduct psychological control operations to cause certain individuals to be diagnosed as insane!” During the proceedings, he would state that the NSA had controlled just about all the world’s electronic communications since as far back as the 1940s following World War II. He would also state that the NSA has access to some of the most advanced computer systems imaginable, including a supercomputer of sorts which was located at Fort Meade. As if those claims were not outlandish enough, Akwei would further state that the NSA could “decode Electro Magnetic Frequency (EMF) waves” which he believes surround each person. According to Akwei, the NSA also had the technology to “remotely analyze all objects, whether man-made or organic, that have electrical energy.”[3] Other details which would come to light during the proceedings would state that the NSA had over 50,000 agents who had “advanced permission” (basically, they didn’t need permission) to spy on any US citizen that they deemed appropriate. And what’s more, this monitoring of the population, whether individuals or entire groups or organizations, went on in abundance.

7 The Commendable Work Of Jose Delgado

The work of Jose Delgado started out honorably enough. However, as he found success in his theories, it would appear that they were hijacked by those who wished to use them for much darker purposes. When he arrived at Yale University in 1950, Delgado was looking to find ways of electrically stimulating the brain to replace the need for lobotomies, which he quite rightly described as “brutal.” Delgado used small wires that were inserted directly into a person’s skull and then stimulated by remote control to send small electrical charges to the brain. Depending on which part of the brain was targeted or isolated, he could induce emotions such as fear, happiness, and even sexual attraction. Although he was only at the very beginning of his research, he had essentially discovered how to carry out remote mind control. When prescription drugs became favored for treating mentally ill patients, much of Delgado’s work was no longer required—at least not for the general public with mental illness. However, he began to use his methods as a way of controlling violent prisoners. By inserting small implants into their brains, he would argue, he could isolate the area that would cause them to act violently and cut it off. He rather impressively demonstrated his device by stopping an angry bull charging at him with the flick of a switch.[4]

6 Audio Messages Under The Music In Shopping Malls

Although it is not something widely advertised, many shopping malls use a technology that pumps out suggestive and subliminal messages under tranquil music that urge their customers “not to steal.” As crazy as it sounds, results would suggest that cases of shoplifting went down when this technology was used. Similar experiments, often using subliminal images, were sometimes used in cinemas and theaters to encourage sales of soft drinks and confectionaries. One particularly famous experiment flashed extremely brief images of Coca-Cola for a fraction of a second on the cinema screen. It was noted that sales of Coca-Cola would always increase more than normal following these subliminal images. While this type of “soft mind control” appears harmless enough—and in the case of the shopping mall instructions, is a good public service—many people in conspiracy circles question how safe the general public is from such messages if the instruction is changed from “don’t steal” to “kill people,” for example.[5]

5 The Findings Of Susan Bryce

Journalist Susan Bryce wrote an extensive article for Exposure Magazine in summer 1993. She described in detail how susceptible the human brain is to low frequency waves. Specifically, she claimed that these sound waves had “controlling effects” on the human mind when “timed to the rhythm of the human heartbeat of 72 pulses per minute.” What’s more, anyone under this control wouldn’t have the slightest idea of it. Much like the tests in cinemas that we mentioned earlier, Bryce claimed that experiments using this low frequency programming had been carried out in theaters without the audiences being informed at any stage. According to Bryce’s information, one out of every six people would “fall under the spell” of the experimenters.[6] Perhaps even more frightening, the information in Bryce’s article was not contested by the intelligence community—in fact, quite the opposite. Given the old statement of such agencies being decades ahead of where they publicly declare themselves, how far ahead and advanced they might be in this subtle form of mind control is perhaps a scary thought.

4 MKUltra And The 6 Percent Budget

Thanks to an investigation by The New York Times which culminated in the mid-1970s, we know now that the CIA carried out extensive research into mind control in the 1950s. This resulted in the MKUltra programs that many in conspiracy circles speak of today. In addition, the department allocated 6 percent of its total budget to the program. While that doesn’t sound like a lot, 6 percent is a sizable chunk of absolute dollars when you consider the number of projects and departments within departments of the intelligence agency. Although The New York Times investigation eventually forced the intelligence department to admit on the record that they had conducted extensive research into the subject of mind control, they stated that they only engaged in very basic research, ultimately deciding to terminate the project in the early 1960s.[7] Many people refused to believe this version of events, not least due to the several whistle-blowers who claimed to be victims of such programs. When the agency was asked to produce official records of these experiments, their response was that the “burgeoning paper problem” had forced them to destroy the records.

3 The Claims Of Roseanne Barr

Roseanne Barr is certainly no stranger to controversy. However, before she was known for making comparisons of one kind or another on social media, she could often be found speaking passionately about mind control and how it is used repeatedly in Hollywood. In 2013, she spoke with RT News about what she described as a “culture of fear” in Hollywood, where mind control is routinely used to keep “the culture of racism and sexism and classism and genderism in place.” Barr claimed that this was done to “make a lot of money” and was carried out “at the behest of their masters who run everything!” Just to hammer home her point, Barr said, “MKUltra rules in Hollywood,” and if people dare to speak out against it, “there is a danger that you will never work again!” Furthermore, according to Barr, “everyone (in Hollywood) has friends that it has happened to!”[8] While many take what Barr has to say with a generous helping of salt, she is not the first person to claim that mind control is used in Hollywood. In addition, the CIA, as we will look at in our next entry, most certainly does have an influence in Tinseltown.

2 CIA Influence In Hollywood

Although the CIA is officially only there in an “advisory” capacity, its presence in Hollywood is very real. In addition, when angles and perspectives of films are taken into account, it is easy to see why many people believe that their advice is of the mandatory variety.[9] The official name for this department is the “Entertainment Industry Liaison Office.” Besides advice, they also offer “monetary assistance” to filmmakers. Of course, the people to whom they make these monetary offers is completely up to the department itself, which many people state should set alarm bells ringing. As well as offering a certain perspective on history, especially those parts important to the American psyche, the CIA also uses their influence, if you believe such claims, to alter public perception and opinion. During the Cold War, in particular, these campaigns were run under a secret project by the name of Operation Mockingbird. Whether such activities continue today is open to debate.

1 Dan Aykroyd And Other Celebrity Moments

Dan Aykroyd has long been candid with the public about his genuine interest in the paranormal, conspiracies, and UFOs. He has been part of several serious documentaries on the subject, and such otherworldly and dark incidents often form the basis of his films. When he was set to interview pop sensation Britney Spears in January 2008, that interest took a chilling twist. During the several phone calls that he had with Spears in the run-up to the interview, Aykroyd claimed that “Men In Black” would monitor both the phone calls and his movements. During an online interview, he stated that he noticed these strange and mysterious figures watching him. When he would look back, they had seemingly vanished into thin air. According to Aykroyd, the subject of the interview with the pop star was the conspiracies of mind control and Spears’s own multiple personalities (that some attribute to a consequence of MKUltra-style mind programming). Although filmed and edited in its entirety, the interview was pulled at the last moment and never aired.[10] Read More: Twitter Facebook Me Time For The Mind

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