You have to make of these claims what you will, as they are most likely wide of the mark of accurate reality. The thought-process, however, and ways the dots have been connected are intriguing in their own right. Top 10 Best Films About Real Conspiracy Theories

8 The “Secret” 1604 Meeting In Greenwich, London

The best place to begin exploring these claims is to look at the Virginia Company. And more specifically an apparent meeting that took place in Greenwich, London in England in 1604. On the agenda were the potential opportunities of the new world that we know today as the United States of America. Or, perhaps more accurately, how they could benefit the many “elites” of the United Kingdom. This was also the case with other parts of Europe. As well as many of the secret societies that were essentially forerunners of the Freemasons. According to the claims, one of those at this secret meeting was no less than King James I. And James, incidentally, had the largest share in the new venture. This investment would see the influence of the king grow considerably. It would do so as they seized land to exploit materials in the new world. And what’s more, the ultimate objective was to increase the overall wealth and influence of The Crown. This, however, opposed to popular belief, is not a reference to the Royal Family (we will come back to this in our next entry). If we believe the claims, the meeting would result in the creation of The Virginia Company. This group would then set out on two separate missions to the promising lands of the new world. One would land in what is now Jamestown in 1607, named after King James I. The other would arrive at Cape Cod in 1620. Both would immediately claim rights to the land they had “discovered”.[1]

7 The Crown – What Is It?

When most people think of The Crown, they very likely imagine a connection to the British Royal family. However, in this instance, it is a reference to The Crown at Temple Bar which resides in the City of London. This area is where the many lawmakers and bankers operate from. Indeed, those who subscribe to a world-wide conspiracy of elite overlords controlling everything state that The Crown is one of the central operating locations. In the early-1600s, one of the main concerns of The Crown was the rapidly increasing influence from the conquests of the Spanish. Many of the territories in the south Americas, for example, were already under Spanish control. Because of this, the spread of the Spanish language was increasing. And perhaps of most concern to the elites of England at the time, so was the spread of Catholicism. A decision was made to beat them to the northern territories. Lest they challenge the influence of The Crown and the subsequent profits they could make.[2]

6 The City Of London – A Law Unto Itself?

Much like the District of Columbia, which we will move on to in a moment, the City of London is a law unto itself. It resides right in the heart of London on grounds of only one square mile. And upon the conquest of William The Conquer would negotiate its own laws and freedoms. As a result, since 1067, it has acted as its own sovereign state. This remains fully in place today and was arrived at through “debt-financing”. Incidentally, this is perhaps one of the first examples of the start of the modern banking world. Much is the same for the District of Columbia where the heart of the American banking system resides. This is known as the Federal Reserve and also operates under its own laws. And like the City of London, is a separate entity from the rest of the country. What’s more, the twists and turns of America’s early years begin to become even more intriguing. For example, not only were a large portion of the Founding Fathers Freemasons, but many were also lawyers for The Crown. And their presence in the soon-to-be United States was for one reason only. To ensure that all decisions in relation to land, materials, and taxes were all tipped in their favour.[3]

5 The Act of 1871 – Central To The Entire Conspiracy

One of the most intriguing parts of the Virginia Company and British control of United States revolves around the Act of 1871. According to the claims, the real purpose of the Act of 1871 was to create two separate entities. One, a country (the United States of America), and the other, a corporation (the United States). The corporation was based in the District of Columbia, which is a law unto itself with its own government. This is the Federal Government and is different from that of the United States. Official history suggests that the grip of The Virginia Company ceased following the War of Independence. This would break the country from British rule and also force the group into bankruptcy. However, following the Act of 1871, bankers and private companies were able to operate out of the District of Columbia. They would ultimately profit from the debt of the United States government. This is largely because the United States was forced to borrow money from the reserve, much as they do today. Over time, some began to question this set up. Many researchers even question whether the Federal Reserve is nothing more than The Virginia Company renamed. If this is the case, then that would mean that the United States of America was essentially still under British control. If only because of the vast amount of financial debt it remains in to the Federal Reserve.[4]

4 The Maritime Law Claims

Perhaps one of the most bizarre claims connected to the Virginia Company are those of Maritime Law in America. And, if we accept them to be accurate for one moment, the reality of the United States courts looks entirely different. Officially the United States court system operate under common law (or the Law of the Land). As the District of Columbia is home to the (private) Federal Government, though, it operates under Maritime Law. This is sometimes called Admiralty Law, which is essentially the Law of the Sea. This means, if you subscribe to the theories, the court systems in federal cases are also operating under Maritime Law. And ultimately are operating under laws outside of the American legal system. Instead, some people claim that such cases are operating under the same systems as when under British rule. Of course, we should remind ourselves once more that many, many people reject such claims. Indeed, most see them as nothing but twisted truths on one level and outright nonsense on the other.[5]

3 Ties To Ancient Bloodlines And Secret Societies

There are several claims that revolve around the idea of a ruling elite bloodline stretching back to antiquity. And, of course, this runs through the Founding Fathers and their connections to The Crown in England. What’s more, these connections also run through the royal and elite families of Europe. Going one stage further, many of these same bloodlines stretch back to antiquity. And through such empires as those of ancient Rome, and Egypt, right the way back to the Sumer region. Perhaps one more point of interest is the notion that over 40 of the United States Presidents also connect to these bloodlines. It is easy to see, then, where the idea of a ruling elite controlling resources all over the planet comes from. And why the idea blossoms easily in the minds of some researchers. And if true, The Virginia Company is just one part of that overriding control.[6]

2 Intriguing Clues In The Names

Tied in and around these claims to the connections to secret societies and bloodlines are further intriguing clues. Ones that some researchers claim are hidden in plain sight for everyone to see. And once again, we will turn to the District of Columbia and its apparent discreet origins to Babylon. For example, one of the most important deities in Babylon was Queen Semiramis. This divine being also goes by the name, Venus Columba. It doesn’t take too much study to see the near match in the words Columba and Columbia. Might it be that the District of Columbia is, in fact, the District of Columba? This would essentially mean it is the District of Venus Columba, or Queen Semiramis of Babylon. This is simply one such clue that those who subscribe to claims of secret control over the world – including the United States – feel endorses their argument. Most would accept that such conspiracies are highly unlikely. There is still, however, that tiny bit in most of us that questions, just a little bit, if they just might be true.[7]

1 The Words Of George Bush

While there is considerable doubt as to what he actually meant, a quote usually attributed to George Bush Sr is intriguing. And is looked at as being some an admission regarding the control a very select few have over the rest of the world’s populace. According to the claims, Bush would state “if the American people knew what we had done, they would string us up from the lamp posts”. Was he referring to the claims we have discussed here? After all, the above statement could be used in relation to many such incidents of the twentieth century. Anything from oil scandals, for example, to the death of JFK, to the many scandals of the Reagan era. Was this what Bush Sr meant when he claimed they would be strung up from lamp posts if people knew the truth? It is certainly food for thought, of that there is little doubt.[8] 10 Ways You Are Ruled By Communist China Read More: Twitter Facebook Me Time For The Mind

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