1. Staff and List Payments In my last update I requested assistance for list writing over the Christmas period – I received many emails – thanks. Having gone over the site budget, the cost of paying someone for regular daily contributions (combined with the removal of two of our advertisers from the site) means that we can not pay for other submitted lists. I hope that this will not prevent people from sending in lists as we often get excellent ones from new people or those who like to write one or two from time to time. All lists submitted prior to today will be paid for as usual. Remember: We still want people to send in lists and we will publish as many as possible for everyone to enjoy. The contribute page will be updated today to reflect this change and to clarify some guidelines.

  2. Advertisers You may have noticed that one of the adverts has been removed from the site, and all inbuilt amazon text links have been removed. I have also modified some of the remaining adverts to remove javascript from them – this means they no longer have an impact on the speed of the site loading but they will also be seen by fewer people. This obviously means a reduction in income for the site (hence point 1 above).

  3. Downtime In about five days we will be doubling our capacity (we will be moving to dual servers) – this should put an end to the outages we have been experiencing recently. Thanks for your patience through it all! Read More: Twitter Facebook YouTube Instagram

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